Its a Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood…

Good old Fred Rogers. Owen (bro-in-law) used to say he would rather have his kids watch Freddy Kreuger than Fred Rogers. Why, I wonder? Doesn’t Mr. Rogers represent everything wholesome and gentle with the added bonus of teaching them about the safe and wonderful world around them? (Okay, its not always a safe and wonderful world but in his neighbourhood no harm could befall you.) Don’t we long for that for our children, even if its a temporary state? Sure, they have to learn at some point that there is no tooth fairy or Santa Claus … and there is no S & W world waiting to welcome them. Anyway, I’ll take cardigans over the clawed hand of Freddy every time. One of these days I’ll ask Owen to do a guest post and explain his reasons.

It really is beautiful outside, with about an inch of snow on the ground and the sun shining with all his might. (Walrus and the Carpenter). Vancouver gets so little snow in a year but its a treat when we do and it often comes with sunny weather – which is almost as rare as snow during our winter. Yesterday my Sarah came down the stairs and walked toward the kitchen. We were having the identical day to this one so she had to shield her eyes from the brilliant sunshine coming in our south windows. “Oooo its so bright”, she said.”It hurts my eyes”. The day had begun for Little Miss Negative. Her Dad and I exchanged a glance and a smile. She’s at the age and stage when ‘seldom is heard an encouraging word’. She earned the nickname Mona this past spring when the two of us were in Italy with Stephen. And we didn’t mean Mona Lisa. We meant Moan-a. I know she’ll get through this but in the meantime we get to hear about the underside of every thing; every silver lining has a black cloud within that’s just waiting to dump its load on you. Ahhhh, the teen years.


A New Beginning….

and there’s nothing I like more! As proof, you could step inside my sewing room/den and see how many projects I have begun and then set aside in the face of daily tasks and responsibilities or … another new beginning! There! I’ve confessed to a fault. This site will be a chance to enumerate them and then say ‘pooh, who cares?’ or – in the immortal words of Scarlet O’Hara – “I just won’t think about that right now”. Although I do care about my faults, the way to change doesn’t travel through the country of self-flagellation. There! I used a big word. That’s another thing I like, is the English language and the way it is so flexible and descriptive. Although I have great respect for other languages and would love to become conversant in French and Spanish, I do love my native tongue. Time is the main obstacle; where can I find the time for all I wish and hope to do? “But at my back I always here, time’s wing-ed chariot drawing near.” There! I used a poetic quote, which is another passion of mine. I have memorized a few poems and am in the midst of learning a few more, such as The Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert Service. That one is taking more time than I expected. Others on the list are The Pirate Don Durk of Dowdee and Two Little Clouds, which my mother could recite by heart. There! I mentioned my family who are very important to me. My mother left us in 2009 but my father, Frank, is still enriching our lives. I have 4 siblings, 4 in-laws, 4 nieces, 6 nephews and (drum roll…) a husband, Bill, and 3 children. Stephen is 25 and doing his Master’s degree in Finland, while Daniel and Sarah are 15 and 14 and are students at WPGA. I’m very blessed. And that’s just my side of the family! I am also blessed with wonderful parents-in-law and a host of interesting and caring  relatives through Bill. And I have many cherished friends. You Know Who You Are!  My life has been made whole and stimulating by the many people who populate it and I’m grateful for them all. Deeply grateful.

Disclaimer: This Blog is primarily for me, my family and my friends. If you have come here, you are very welcome to read, comment, and return. But there is nothing here but me – the whole me and nothing but me. I’m living an ordinary life and trying to live it well, so as to have no regrets and no enemies. And … I want to serve God so I hope you will understand that with me, you will also get the occasional dose of Him.